Your Monthly Dose of
Hype-Free EMF Education

5G. 6G. A Thousand Gs. 60,000 Satellites. Billions of “Internet of Things” Sensors. Overwhelmed Yet?
You don’t have to be.

We’ve created The EMF Circle community for health-conscious folks like you, those who “get it”.

Our promise is simple: The Circle is the last EMF community you’ll ever need. Period.

Every month, you’ll be able to learn directly from top EMF mitigation specialist Brian Hoyer (from “Shielded Healing”) and safe tech advocate Nicolas Pineault (aka “The EMF Guy”) through masterclasses, Q&A sessions and private, censorship-free community boards.

If you feel like…

  • Minimizing/Reducing EMFs is a critical factor in health
  • The amount of conflicting EMF information online is irritating
  • You lack the time to “do your own research”
  • You’re concerned that you may waste your time and money on the wrong EMF protection products
  • You want quick, personal feedback and help on your journey to minimize EMF radiation in your home, at work and beyond

Then The EMF Circle is definitely for you.
What's Included?*
Monthly Masterclass
or Q&A Session (90-min each)

Send your questions ahead of time or join live. Full replays are included.
Private Community
(optional, but recommended)

Two EMF experts. A ton of like-minded people. Zero censorship, ever.
Hype-Free EMF Education
& Honest Product Recommendations

EMF is a “hot topic” these days... Don’t fall prey to fake protection products and empty promises.
Exclusive Discounts & Early
Access to EMF Protection Products

Hey, you’re part of the “Circle of Trust” after all! We’ll send all the VIP stuff your way.
* We do have several courses and other resources that we feel would be a perfect complement to your education, but these are NOT required in order to become a member.
Plus The Following Bonus...
2021 EMF Hazards Summit Recordings (Real value of $147)
Full recordings of 2021 summit hosted by Nick "The EMF Guy" Pineault, and featuring 26 of the world’s foremost authorities on EMF radiation and its health impacts.

This summit is currently not sold anywhere. As a Circle member, you get access to this entire event, free of charge!
Masterclass Schedule:
The information shared inside The Circle is curated by YOU, our members.

Before each Q&A, we'll ask you what are your current most-pressing EMF questions, and will include those in our content.

 Upcoming Masterclasses: 
Every session is subject to change based on community feedback, but here's a sample of what we have in mind for the remainder of 2024:

November 14th - Q&A w/ Nick and Brian
During this 90 minute session, Nick and Brian will answer as many questions they receive from Circle members as possible. If you cannot attend live, don't worry! Replays are always available within 48 hours after the session, and you can send your questions in advance.
December 12th - Cell Towers Masterclass
How far should you live from a cellphone tower? What do 4G or 5G cellular antennas look like? Are cell towers a bigger EMF problem compared to cell phones, or Wi-Fi routers?
January 16th - Q&A w/ Nick and Brian
During this 90 minute session, Nick and Brian will answer as many questions they receive from Circle members as possible. If you cannot attend live, don't worry! Replays are always available within 48 hours after the session, and you can send your questions in advance.
February 13th - Top EMF "Conspiracies"
Fact or fiction? We weigh in on the most controversial theories we've seen online. No topic is off limits!
March 13th - Q&A w/ Nick and Brian
During this 90 minute session, Nick and Brian will answer as many questions they receive from Circle members as possible. If you cannot attend live, don't worry! Replays are always available within 48 hours after the session, and you can send your questions in advance.
April 17th - Low-EMF Office Masterclass
If you work in an office environment, chances are that the way you set up your computer and other tech gadgets will have a HUGE impact on your overall EMF exposure. We'll share everything that you can do to make your office environment a much healthier place.
May 8th - Q&A w/ Nick and Brian
During this 90 minute session, Nick and Brian will answer as many questions they receive from Circle members as possible. If you cannot attend live, don't worry! Replays are always available within 48 hours after the session, and you can send your questions in advance.
June 12th - Future of Electrosmog Masterclass
When will 6G roll out? What is happening over our heads with all these satellites? What new EMF threats are coming up? We share our latest research... do NOT miss this one.
 Masterclasses Archive (fully downloadable): 
Dirty Electricity Masterclass
In this masterclass, we talk about a 4th type of EMFs, called "Dirty Electricity" (DE). We address plug-in filters like Greenwave or Stetzer, but also several other solutions that can help you minimize the DE inside your home.
Cellphone Masterclass
What phone should you buy next, if you want to minimize EMF exposure? Are EMF-blocking cases legit? We explore the safest ways to use your phone without blasting yourself with EMFs.
Travel Masterclass
Should you worry about airport scanners? How can you travel while minimizing your EMF exposure? We dive deep into the ins and out of lower-EMF travels.
EMF Meters Masterclass (part 1)
EMF Meters can quickly get confusing... in this first class, we explore how to properly detect wireless radiation and recommend our favorite EMF meters to help you on your journey.
EMF Meters Masterclass (part 2)
In this second class, we show you how to detect magnetic fields and electric fields, two other types of EMFs that are just as hazardous as wireless.
Grounding Masterclass
Should you use grounding sheets while you sleep? What is the science behind grounding/Earthing? During this class, we explore every aspect of this slightly controversial topic.
EHS Recovery Masterclass
Do you suffer from EMF-related symptoms? There is hope. Top environmental medicine doctors are figuring out more and more ways to treat electro hypersensitivity and help people move towards recovery.
Shielded Bedroom Masterclass
Shielding your bedroom against all external sources of EMFs can be highly beneficial... but it's easy to get it wrong. Brian explains exactly how to properly shield your bedroom using shielding paint or an EMF-blocking bed canopy.
Free Solutions Masterclass
Good news: It's possible to minimize your EMF exposure without breaking the bank. In this class, we explore every single strategy we personally use to lower our EMF exposure -- without spending more than a few dollars.
Roundtable on Safer Therapeutic Tech
Should you really worry if your sauna has "high EMF readings"? Why are certain companies who engineer therapeutic tools (like red light therapy) advertising their products as "low EMFs"?
Cars Masterclass
Is your car an EMF hazard? Are hybrid or electric cars worse than gas-powered cars? We explore many strategies to help you minimize EMF exposure in your car, and show you how to shop for a low-EMF car.
Sauna Masterclass
Brian has worked with sauna companies to engineer lower-EMF products. Here's what to look for before buying a sauna -- if you are looking for a no-EMF therapeutic experience.
Lighting Masterclass
How to pick the right light bulbs. Which ones to avoid like the plague. Which colors frequencies are ideal during the day, in the evening, and during the night. All about the use of blue-blocking glasses.
EMF Resilience Masterclass
We are all exposed to some dose of human-made EMFs, 24/7. Are there supplements, foods and other healing modalities that can help you develop a better "internal protection", or "resilience", towards this electromagnetic stress?
Can't Attend Live?
Not a problem. You'll be able to send your questions in advance, and will receive a full recording after each session/masterclass.
What's The Cost?
Your Monthly Dose of
Hype-Free EMF Education
Monthly masterclass or Q&A session
Full recordings and past archives (30+ recorded sessions!)
Private community
Exclusive discounts on EMF products
Honest, hype-free information you can trust
(save 33%!)

All prices in $USD
Cancel anytime. No questions asked. But, we know you’ll feel like staying once you join this amazing community :)
Is This For Me?
The EMF Circle is for you if…

  • You are looking for a community full of positive, heart-centered people who can help you troubleshoot your EMF problems – at home, at work and beyond
  • You are electrosensitive or just concerned about the effects that EMFs are having on your overall health
  • You are a health practitioner, coach or researcher who wants to stay on top of the latest (crazy) technological developments and always know how to best protect yourself and your patients/clients
  • You are allergic to drama, nonsense, marketing hype, scams, and don’t want to waste your time and money on EMF products that simply do NOT work
  • You want your most-pressing EMF questions answered by not one, but TWO EMF experts who are directly connected with the best EMF scientists and engineers in the world
  • You understand that EMF protection is a journey, and don’t believe in “magic bullets”... you’re ready to do the work it takes to make small and bigger changes in your life in order to protect yourself and stay healthy in an electro-polluted world
Look. If you read this far, you already know if you either feel compelled to join, or if you think this entire community are just a bunch of “5G conspiracy theorists who don’t understand that non-ionizing radiation is perfectly safe”.  (hopefully the former!)

We hope that you’ll join us (and hundreds of others) on this continued EMF education journey.

Your EMF Circle teachers,

Nick “The EMF Guy” Pineault
& Brian Hoyer

Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do I need to purchase the Electro-Pollution Fix course or any other of Nick or Brian’s courses first?

We highly recommend all Circle members to first go through the Electro-Pollution Fix course, since it teaches the very basics of how to minimize EMFs at home.

That being said, we understand that some people are on a very low budget and decided that this course would NOT be a requirement to join the Circle.

Please note that all Circle members will get an exclusive discount towards the Electro-Pollution Fix course. You’ll see that offer after you purchase your Circle access (1 month or 1 year).

2. Do you offer refunds?

Due to the nature of this membership, and given the fact that new members can instantly download all of our archives and bonuses (Longer Explanation: we encourage members to download first, and watch everything “offline” or on a WIRED connection to minimize EMF exposure)... we cannot offer any refunds for this membership.

Of course, you can cancel at any time, and if you do, your credit card or paypal account will never be charged again. No questions asked, no hard feelings!

3. What’s included in the private community?

The private community is a members-only, censorship free forum where you can ask your questions!

4. What if I can’t join the live Q&A or masterclasses?

We understand that there will be Circle members from all around the world, all with different life circumstances and scheduling headaches.

If you already know that you cannot join live, no worries - just send in your most-pressing EMF questions in advance, and we’ll answer during the live Q&A.

Each Q&A session and masterclass will also include a full downloadable or streamable recording. We got you covered!

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